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Akashi-Tai Brewery
The Akashi-Tai sake distillery, founded in 1928 in the fishing town of the same name to the west of Osaka, has over the years become one of the most modern and renowned establishments for the production of this particular drink; famous for...
15.00%, 0,72 l
€ 24.79 ex VAT
Not available in United States of America
€ 33.12 ex VAT
Not available in United States of America
In Fermento
From Penelope, a rice native to the Vercelli area, comes Nero, the first 100% Italian sake, elegant, intense, with fruity notes. Unprecedented, without wanting to pose in the manner of the traditional oriental drink, it evokes flavour and...
17.00%, 0,50 l
€ 30.06 ex VAT
Currently NOT available
Not available in United States of America