Vite colte colli tortonesi doc piedmont products

The winery opened in 2000 at the foot of the most prestigious Barolo cru, and the architectural project has received reviews in numerous publications in modern architecture magazines. Attention to new technologies and a philological study of the territory, which gives the Langhe its specificity and identity, delineate the thinking of architect Gianni Arnaudo, designer of the winery. The designer has explored the theme of the places of wine in Barolo with Vite Colte to integrate it into the landscape through a contemporary reading of the traditional architectural language, also manifested through the choice of signs and eco-friendly materials. The curvature of the copper roofing of the main body, which continues in a curved lawn in the shape of a hill, not only accompanies the movement and colours of the Langhe but is functional to production requirements with minimum energy consumption. Vite Colte philosophy is to strive for an absolute and constant standard of quality, the result of agronomic choices aimed at sustainable, selective vineyard management oriented towards the right fruit ripeness. Each winegrower adheres to the protocol by acting promptly in the vineyard and defining and monitoring the progress of their work in close contact with the company's team of agronomists. Vite Colte is a reality made up of people who strongly believe in a concept of shared quality, where the responsibility of individuals is an integral part of the final result. Winemakers, companions, friends. The members of Vite Colte are 'accomplices' in a project that demands a dedication to quality equal to the rigour of the protocols with which it is pursued. Each winegrower, therefore, receives compensation based on the area planted with vines and not on the quantity of product, intending to achieve the highest level of quality.
€ 16.80 ex VAT
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