argiolas wines for sale


The Autumn of the Patriarch has the sweet flavour of Angialis, the soft look of the hills of Serdiana, the ancient memory of "is scricchillonis", the small bunches of grapes left on the plant after harvesting and which Antonio, as a child, sold at the feast of Serdiana. Antonio Argiolas, born in 1906 used to tend the plot near his school, carefully growing flowers and tomatoes which he gave as a gift to his schoolmaster. He already knew that his strength would come from the land and from his trading skill, inherited from his father Cicito, landowner and tradesman in Serdiana in the late 19th century. Thus Antonio grew up, was drafted as a soldier, and when he returned home, started broadening his horizons. "I engaged in all sorts of work: I was a grape-grower and farmer, trader in wool and cereals, seller of cheese. I started with nothing, well, actually: from 500,000 lire a friend lent me and from four hectares of vineyard I planted in an estate which was not mine, with the idea that each year I would manage to plant a few more hectares." Working day and night, years went by and the vineyards spread.

With the earnings from his commercial business, Antonio Argiolas continued to purchase vineyards, without ever selling a single plant. He put up the winery, an oil press, a small dairy factory. Then the war broke out. Antonio continued to work through those terrible years, and in the summer of 1946 his twin sons, Franco and Giuseppe, were born. After taking their high school diploma, they made a clear cut choice: they would commit themselves to grape-growing and wine-making, to which they would devote, in different ways but with the same passion, their minds and hearts, their workdays and holidays. For over 70 years Antonio Argiolas was the centre around which revolved the affection of his sons, daughters in law and grandchildren, and the life of the enterprise he had created. He represented the link between tradition and innovation. And still today after his passing, his ideals guide sons, grandchildren, staff and everyone who knew him.

First the grape harvest, then the press and finally maths, Italian and history. These were the interests that marked the lives of Franco and Giuseppe up to their high school diploma. When they came into the business, the two Argiolas brothers purchased other plots of land and vineyards at Selegas, Guamaggiore and Siurgus and decided to give a clear identity to their wine which until then had been forwarded to France unlabelled, in bulk shipments. They adopted a new philosophy, coupling their father's passion for business with painstaking research and a taste for innovation. In those same years the Italian wine-making industry was reeling under the scandal of methanol-adulterated wine, and the brothers found themselves at a crossroads: should they uproot all the vineyards and enjoy the sweet life, or intensify production?.

The twins did not hesitate: they decided to place Argiolas wines firmly on the market. They launched the new Winery, entrusting production to Giacomo Tachis and young oenologist Mariano Murru. From a combination of tradition and modernity, care for detail and passion, the new wine-making enterprise came into being. Changes in the Winery were accompanied by others in the vineyard itself. Since the making of a good wine starts in the vineyard, cultivation methods too had to change. The number of plants per hectare had to be increased, reducing the grape yield per plant The basic concept was simple: respect the plant. Perform closer pruning, and remove excess bunches.

This philosophy of "subtraction" running counter to the approach targeting quantity, led the company to experimentation. The laboratory became a centre of expertise in chemistry, biology and microbiology, laying the foundations for obtaining a product of excellence. "Chemistry is what you need to know so you can avoid using chemicals", is Tachis' motto. Though experience is rarely wrong, the support of lab tests makes the difference. Among the many secrets of quality, there is one called harmony. It's not about flighty seductive nymphs, far off myths, magical potions. It's about a passion handed down from one generation to the next. Made up of equal parts of commitment, discipline and enthusiasm.

Information about Argiolas

  • Name
  • Region:
  • Start year
  • Address
    Via Roma, 56-58 - Serdiana (CA)
  • Website
  • Oenologist
    Mariano Murru
  • Bottles produced
  • Hectares
  • Percentage of grapes purchased
    10% purchased grapes, the rest proprietary.

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