
The best Cognacs are on sale at xtraWine!

Cognac is perhaps the most famous French distilled spirit named after the region in which it was born. It is produced by double-distilling wine and is known for its elegant and sinuous character. As it is a particular product made only with grapes produced in the eponymous region of northwestern France, in 1948, it was established that the term "Cognac" could only be attributed to those distilled spirits produced with those grapes. What makes cognac so precious, beloved, and sought-after is the production method: starting from the wooden barrels in which it is aged, which come from the Limousine forests, passing through the cellars where they are placed, which have the right degree of humidity and temperature, and finally arriving at the sea breeze that helps the cognac breathe. Thanks to xtraWine, you will find the finest cognacs produced with wisdom in various regions of France. Pouring cognac into a tulip-shaped glass, characterized by a narrowing towards the upper edge, you come into contact with the intense aroma it releases, which ranges from fruity notes of plum to floral notes of rose, with a hint of spices such as vanilla. Its color, similar to ancient gold, contributes to creating a sort of parallel universe in which you are transported as soon as you taste it: the perfect balance given by the roundness and intensity of the taste makes contributes to creating a sort of parallel universe in which one is transported as soon as they taste it: the perfect balance given by the roundness and intensity of the flavour makes it the most beloved spirit by connoisseurs.

€ 46.03 ex VAT
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