Cavaliera products

The winery was established in the 1980s but developed in the early 1990s into its current conformation. The main body, located south of Via Cavaliera, is slightly sloping, ventilated, with excellent exposure, deep soil tending to clay, cultivated mainly with vines. The land structures consist of two buildings; the first, formerly a hay barn, dating back to the mid-19th century, has been completely renovated to obtain, in addition to the farmer's accommodation, premises for the restaurant and some guest rooms; while the second is destined for the winery and farm services. The winery is still family-run; the grapes, of the Lambrusco Grasparossa, Pignoletto, Trebbiano and Malbo Gentile varieties, come exclusively from the estate's own vineyards, which are trained on the spurred cordon system and cultivated organically.
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