Casalfarneto rosso piceno doc red products

In Le Marche region, in between the sea and the Apennines, one of the most beautiful hilly landscapes of Ancona’s province unfolds – it’s the land of prestigious wines such as Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi. Here, with its 35 acres of vineyard, CasalFarneto Wine Estate is located, where technology, tradition and sustainability combine to produce wines of excellence. Under the shade of Farnetto oaks, from which the Estate gets its name, the farmhouse boasts the cultivation of white and red grapes, with particular attention to organic wine. For a decade, CasalFarneto has been managed alongside the Togni Group allowing its wine production to make good use of technical and entrepreneurial know-how, which has been vital to grow a business nurtured by strong effort and great passion for wine. Local geography, quality and innovation are a triple value aiming to propose a unique product to the consumer. The strong personality of CasalFarneto wines is the result of on-going experimentation retelling Le Marche winegrowing tradition in an increasingly more modern and biological key. The following wines were awarded in 2022: - Passerina BIO Frida 2021: Gold Medal from the Challenge Millesime Bio contest France, one of the most important world competitions for organic wines. - Fontevecchia 2020: awarded by the Luca Maroni guide with 96/100 for Best Verdicchio d'Italia vintage 2020.
€ 8.72 ex VAT
Last 2 bottles