Sara vezza classic method products

Every child contemplates the future and imagines the person they will become. I always saw myself as the commander of a ship–a fearless woman at the helm, armed to the teeth. If life has shown me that fear is a necessary emotion, it has also taught me to be the captain of the ship, to lay down arms-to free my hands to embrace my four children, because they are the most wonderful gift I could ever have. The fifth generation of winegrowers in my family began with me-ours is a line that passes through the women of the family. This is an important legacy, as much in terms of responsibility to previous generations as it is to future ones. “We are pieces of a mosaic. We are not the creators of wine, only actors on nature’s stage: we help the plants grow, as if they were children; we are in touch with the vitality of the earth. The soil, the vines and everything around us. Wine is a living force, rich in micro-organisms that enable it to evolve”.
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