Quinta da pousada still products

Quinta da Pousada is located in the sub-region of Valle do Ave, in the heart of the Vinho Verde region. Owned by Jose Areal, the estate has 15 hectares of land of which 6 hectares are planted with vines. The region of Vihno The Vihno Verde region is dominated by the influence of the Atlantic, creating an ideal microclimate with mild temperatures throughout the year. with mild temperatures throughout the year: not too cold winters with abundant rainfall and relatively dry and cool summers. dry and cool summers. The southern exposure allows the vines to benefit from the right number of hours of sunlight to enhance the ripening of the grapes. hours of sunlight to enhance the ripening of the grapes. In the north of the district there are mountainous reliefs separating the Mihno River from the Rio Mihno valley. Mihno river from the valley of the Lima river, while to the east and southeast is the mountain range formed by the Serra do Geres (1,500 m a.s.l.) and other mountains of the same altitude, which clearly separate the Mihno from the upper Douro. Mihno and the upper Douro. The granites that dominate the region have decomposed into granite sand to give an acidic soil, rich in potassium-rich. The clay content of this soil ensures good water retention, avoiding water stress stress during the summer, and the granite present, which contributes to the region's very special appearance, is used for the production of the aspect of the region, is used for the construction of local houses as well as for the manufacture of vine supports to support the vine in the summer. the local houses as well as for the manufacture of supports for the pergola vines. Within this district there are sub-areas that are distinguished by small differences in soil and climate. Within this district there are sub-areas that are distinguished by small differences in soil and climate. The most important white grape variety in the area is Alvarihno, the same variety that is grown in the Spanish region of Galicia. Spanish region of Galicia, the fruit of which contributes to the production of wines that are slightly more alcoholic, fruity and fragrant fruity and aromatic, but less sparkling. Other cultivars include Loureiro, Arinto, Trajadura and Paderna.
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