San Leonardo

San Leonardo

The history of these places dates back at least 1,500 years when a group of Trentino prisoners of the Lombard duchy decided to pay homage to the patron saint of prisoners, St Leonard, by erecting a temple for him. The earliest evidence of the Estate dates back to 900 AD, when the Bishop of Verona, Nokterio, granted in usufruct to the Bishop of Trento some lands he owned in the Lagarina Valley, woods, meadows and vineyards located in Sarnis. Three centuries later, however, it was the Cruciferous Friars (a widespread order in Europe, which remained in San Leonardo until 1656) who increased and modernised the cultivation of vines in their monastery. Legend has it that it was here that Queen Theodolinda became the bride of the Lombard King Autari. At the same time, on 21 January 1549, Prince Philip, son of Emperor Charles V, on his way to Regensburg for the Diet, was received by the Prince-Bishop of Trento and Lord of the Four Vicariates, Cristoforo Madruzzo. In recent times, the wine ended up delighting the guests at the Viennese cardinal's table of Cristoforo Migazzi, who became Archbishop of Vienna in 1757 and was a descendant of the dynasty of the Migazzi Counts who became responsible for the Estate. During the two world wars, San Leonardo first housed the XXIX Italian Army Corps headquarters. It was here that Austria formulated its request for an armistice. During the Second World War, San Leonardo was the headquarters of the Counter-Intelligence Section of the German High Command on the Italian front. The Guerrieri Gonzaga family, who became owners by female line descent of the Estate in 1784 and then by direct line at the beginning of this century, are proud to be in charge of an estate of such ancient traditions today. An old feud that, amidst legend and history, for more than a millennium, was able to respect, protect and enhance the agricultural vocation of this small corner of the fertile Lagarina Valley and its healthy habit of producing good wine, with which in the past it gladdened the tables of cardinals, emperors, princes and soldiers, and today connoisseurs from all over the world.

Information about San Leonardo

  • Name
    San Leonardo
  • Region:
  • Start year
  • Address
    Località San Leonardo - Frazione Borghetto all'Adige - Avio (TN)
  • Website
  • Oenologist
    Carlo Ferrini
  • Bottles produced
  • Hectares
  • Type of cultivation
    Organic farming.

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