The property of Xose Lois Sebio is located in DO Ribeiro, an area with a very long tradition for the production of wine that since 1932 has been recognized as Denominaciòn de Origen.
From a geological and orographic point of view, this area is characterized by the presence of three important rivers, the Miño, the Avia and the Arnoia, mainly granitic soils and altitudes. between 100 and 400 metres. The climate here is defined as transitional, showing extreme temperatures combined with the positive influence of the Atlantic. Xose Lois has been working for more than ten years on the recovery of forgotten or uncultivated land, implementing various agronomic techniques including organic and biodynamic.
It firmly believes that the "ecological" approach is the a real means to obtain a great wine, allowing to preserve and enhance the natural balance between vineyard, man and landscape. In 2009 Sebio launched the project "Vinos de Encostas". which materializes in the creation of exclusive wines each strongly characterizing the terroir of origin. They are wines obtained from particular subzones, often not very productive thanks to to which wines with a strong personality are obtained.
Lois Sebio
Leiro-Ourense (Spain)