Riserva mamete prevostini wines

Always great commercial hub, Valtellina has historically united Italy to Switzerland and in general throughout northern Europe. It is a territory whose streets over the centuries have been traversed by peoples and civilizations which over the decades have left a contribution very recognizable today through the traditions, the culture, the typical products. Around the most important of these, the wine, has created a large community that still carries the same production processes then using what is universally recognized as one of the largest vineyards in the world, Nebbiolo (here called chiavennasca). the history of the winery began over seventy years ago when Mamete Prevostini begins, was the first post-war period, to produce wine from local grapes within the Crotto family, typical of Valchiavenna natural cavity formed in prehistoric times. In 1988, however Mamete nephew, the current owner, took over the company's reins, and after a series of tests lasted about eight years signed his first real production in 1995, becoming within a decade a wine draft exceptional value. Today, all the wines are aged in a different way, according to unwritten rules but that are renewed year after year. Elegance, refinement, power for a great interpretation of Nebbiolo in Valtellina.
€ 32.59 ex VAT
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