Podere sette still products

Our winery, located in the heart of Bolgheri, was born from the desire of Marisa Chiappini to keep going on her father’s activity. Continuing the family tradition, today Podere Sette is runned by Marisa’s son, Giuliano. The seven vices are jokingly attributed to Giuliano giving their names to wines we produce: L’Invidio (Envy), Il Superbo (Pride), L’Iracondo (Wrath) and Il Goloso (Gluttony). Since the beginning Podere Sette shaped its company philosophy to a sustainable ethically running, turning all production in an organic one. The idea is using both innovative and traditional methods in order to offer an alternative Bolgheri way featuring a surprising freshness but without renouncing the classic style of Bolgheri!
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