Villa job still products

Each of our wines tells a story made of special emotions that we felt far from here. In each of our wines we have brought different cultures, experiences and wine concepts made during our travels. We have brought together knowledge from elsewhere with the tradition of Friuli, to generate unique and special stories. We started in Friuli and since then we have not been able to stop there. Every sip of our wine expresses the soul of all the cultures we have known. We invest our time to fully understand the potential of our land, trying to grasp the nuances that it can give us, making our wines unique for their complexity and elegance. Since 1985 we have been using a natural cultivation method: organic farming. We work in the respect of the Earth using only substances coming from nature or obtainable only by simple processes. Villa Job has an extension of 6.5 hectares cultivated entirely in certified organic farming.
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