Tenuta sette ponti still products

The Sette Ponti Estate is located in the heart of Chianti, in a picturesque corner of Tuscany, not far from Arezzo. The estate has belonged to the Moretti family since the 1950s, when architect Alberto Moretti, attracted to the area by its rich hunting grounds and the game found there (fallow deer, wild boar, pheasants, hares and even yellow deer), purchased the first 50 hectares directly from Princess Margherita and Princess Maria Cristina of Savoy of Aosta, daughters of Duke Amedeo of Aosta. In their turn, the two princesses had bought the property from Grand Duke Leopold of Habsburg, to whom we owe the birth of the 'Vigna di Pallino' in the late 1800s. The oldest vineyard dates back to 1935 and has always been called the 'Vineyard of the Empire'. The vineyard was planted by His Royal Highness Duke Amedeo d'Aosta, Vice-King of Ethiopia, and so named to commemorate the victory in the African War and the birth of the Italian Colonial Empire with the conquest of Abyssinia. To this end, the Duke commissioned his uncle, His Royal Highness Count Emanuele Filiberto of Turin, General Designate of the Army and General of the Cavalry, to supervise the work to complete the vineyard as quickly as possible. The work proceeded not without difficulty due to a 30% difference in height that forced the land to be filled in and subsequently terraced, which is still visible today and was completed in 1939.
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