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Information about Tazzelenghe

Grape variety Tazzelenghe
Synonyms tace lenghe.
Grape colour Red grape
Variety Autochthonous
Vigour Excellent
Ripening Middle of October.
Productivity Good
Areas of cultivation It is spread mainly in the Eastern Hills of Friuli.
History Tazzelenghe is a black-skinned wine grape variety native to Friuli-Venezia, in the far northeast of Italy. The name Tazzelenghe means "tongue cutting" in the Friulian dialect, and is merited by the variety's strong, mouth-puckering tannins and acids. The variety was widely planted in the last century throughout Friuli, but has been largely forgotten since.
Ampelographic features Leaf: medium, trilobata, upper green leaf. Bunch: medium, truncated, often wormy. Acino: medium large, spherical; Intense, subtle, but strong blue-violet skin.
Characteristics of the wine obtained from this grape variety The wine obtained from the tazzelenghe grape is ruby red, intense. On the palate it is dry, salty, tannic, bodied.

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CHF 28.65 inc VAT
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