
Buy Autochthonous - (Local) wines

Information about Ferrol

Grape variety Ferrol
Synonyms Ferron
Grape colour Red grape
Aromas Neutral
Variety Autochthonous
Vigour Good
Areas of cultivation Also called Ferrol, it is the fifth red native variety planted in D.O. Ribeiro (Spain). It is usually mixed with other varieties, giving them aroma and volume in the mouth.
Characteristics of the wine obtained from this grape variety Well-balanced, fresh, with strong personality and hints of red fruits, strawberries, cherries, raspberries and even aromatic herbs and spices stand out. It has a good structure and body to the palate.
Notes It is very resistant to mildew, low to Botrytis and to oidium.

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CHF 30.48 inc VAT
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