Still cantina sociale gattinara 葡萄酒

An administrative act rarely takes on value and relevance in social behavior and behavior, such as the decision in that distant 1908 to establish a Cooperative Social Winery. Act that marked an important moment in the viticulture of our region. In fact, it was the third time in Italy that a community endowed itself with a cutting-edge wine-making tool. The choice to combine their efforts to create a Cooperative has guaranteed its long existence; able to survive the great world conflicts, to the periods of regression and of great difficulties in this century they have followed one another, and to be always present when, important choices have changed the face of our viticulture. A background made up of small daily actions, passion for one's land, knowledge and respect for one's own territory and traditions. Where "the great lights of the commercial limelight" have been lacking, the attention to the production of our wine has never been lacking, the experience handed down and the new techniques have walked side by side to give balance, never too anchored to the past, never influenced by trends of the moment. So we arrived more than a hundred years later to still represent an important reality with our 15 hectares of vines and about 40 members.
HK$ 305.00
Last 6 bottles