
The changing history of the farm dates back as far as 1366, when the Lords of Liechtenstein had the 'Hof zu Wasser' (farm near the spring) built. The proximity of their own spring was a hope for fertility and wealth. In 1996, the father of the twins Andreas and Christoph Mock bought the disused farmhouse, which was in need of major renovation. In two years of work based on plans by architect Silvia Hafner Polzhofer from Terlan, the old farmhouse was renovated with much love for detail.

The Wassererhof is a family-run business. After the construction of the new wine cellar in 2013, the farm is now a sustainable and valuable architectural ensemble. The house contains the flats of the two brothers and the farm restaurant. Christoph is the farmer, Andreas the cook. The solidarity and mutual help is obvious and a guarantee for success.

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