Gosset's charter of excellence guarantees Gosset's noble quality to connoisseurs of great wine. This excellence, recognised for more than four centuries, is the reason for the world wide prestige and distinction of Gosset Champagnes. In it, the house of Gosset commits itself to respect its fundamental values and its traditions of prefection. Any grapes destined for the Gosset cellars have to be hand picked and in perfect condition. They only consist of the the three varietals authorised in Champagne, the Pinot Noir, the Chardonnay and the Pinot Meunier.
Only the first pressings, also called "cuvées", are used for blending to make Gosset Champagne.
Some growths undergo their first fermentation in oak vats, to achieve their concentrated aromas and exemplary finesse. These vats are marked with the seal of the house of Gosset, as was done originally by Claude Gosset, alderman of Ay in 1630.
The first fermentation is never followed by a malo-lactic fermentation, which inevitably causes a loss of freshness, and this ensures that Gosset champagnes keep better.
The Gosset blends are made from the best growths of the Marne (Grand & Premier Crus), with an average of 95% on the official scale of growths.
All Gosset Champagnes are aged in bottles laid on slats in a deep cellar at a steady temperature. They are disgorged after an average of 5 years of aging, when they reach their peak.
Manual remuage (turning of the bottles) is still carried out at Gosset, and precedes the disgorging which is carried out in the traditional.way.
Before being shipped, Gosset Champagnes rest several months in the cool calm of the Gosset cellars.
All bottles which carry the Gosset collar contain a great Champagne, exclusively created by the house of
Gosset at Ay-Champagne.
The great growths are sold in an "old-style" bottle identical to that used by Jean Gosset, another Ay alderman , this time in the 18th century. It is unique and instantly recognisable the world over.
Charter certified by Jean Pierre Mareigner, cellar master at Champagnes Gosset.
Information about Gosset
Start year
Ay (France)
Guillaume Berbé