Petit Courbu

Information about Petit Courbu

Grape variety Petit Courbu
Synonyms Courbu, Hondarribi Zuri Zerratia
Grape colour White grape
Vigour Excellent
Areas of cultivation Petit Courbu is a light-skinned white wine grape variety grown in the French Sud-Ouest (South-West). Although it was once teetering on the brink of extinction, Petit Courbu has enjoyed something of a comeback in the past few decades, as part of a wider trend toward regionality. The most famous example of this trend is the revival of the Rhone Valley's Viognier.
History Petit Courbu, whose name means "little curved one", is also known simply as Courbu. Both varieties seem to have originated in Gascony (a vaguely defined southwestern province of pre-revolutionary France) and both contribute a subtle honeyed, citrus aroma to the area's white wines.
Ampelographic features Because it is a white grape, it is sometimes confused with Courbu Blanc, a variety which is only very subtly different. French ampelographer Pierre Galet recognizes the two varieties as distinct due to the difference between their leaves (Courbu Blanc's are slightly darker in the spring).

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