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Information about Forastera

Grape variety Forastera
Synonyms furastiera, forestiera, frastera.
Grape colour White grape
Variety Autochthonous
Vigour Excellent
Ripening Second half of September.
Productivity Good and constant, of good quality especially if grown in lean and not excessively damp soils where grapes may be attacked by rotting.
Areas of cultivation It is spread mainly in Campania and, albeit only in Sardinia.
History The Forastera vine was introduced in the island of Ischia in the second half of the nineteenth century following the infection of the phylloxera, being more resistant to this disease, although in other ways more difficult to cultivate. Then it has been found in its island territory to be considered as native but the name indicates a different and unknown origin (it comes from "foreigners").
Ampelographic features Leaf: large, almost orbicularized, reniform, quinquelobata and less often trilobata, U open pectoral breast, upper side V closed with superimposed edges, lateral lateral veins below V; Upper face glabra, aracnoid lower one, flat flap with smooth surface, toothed edge with pronounced teeth, irregular, narrow base, concave on one side and convex on the other; Green color loaded the top almost grayish side the lower one, thin flap, matt gloss; The ribs of the top of the page are clearly visible in green, while the bottom of the page is of a light green color; Protruding those of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th order; Corner at the top of the lobby: acute. Bunch: medium size (15-20 cm), cylindrical or pyramidal, simple and sometimes winged, rather spatulate; Peduncle short, visible, almost slender, half-legged. Acino: medium thickness, ellipsoid, regular cross section; Persistent and prominent navel; Straw-colored peel with uniformly distributed, thin and tender greenish reflections; Colorless juice, neutral flavor, soft pulp; Green pedicel, little noticeable, green; Medium brush, straw; Separation of the pedicle from the aquarium: easy.
Characteristics of the wine obtained from this grape variety The wine obtained from the forastere grape is of straw yellow color, clear. The palate is dry, fresh, light.

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CHF 33.51 inc VAT
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