
Buy Autochthonous - (Local) wines

Information about Erbamat

Grape variety Erbamat
Grape colour White grape
Variety Autochthonous
Vigour Medium-Good
Ripening III-IV era.
History Erbamat is an ancient native grape variety of the Brescia area, mainly present in the Lake Garda area and, for some time now, also in Franciacorta; it takes its name from the grass-green colouring of the skin which already allows us to guess the peculiar characteristics of this vine: it is a late ripening grape, with a marked acidity and delicate aromas, perfect to be vinified as a sparkling wine base or as still wine both in blend with other vines of similar characteristics and in purity, giving wines of great interest that wink at Timorasso or even the great German Rieslings. However, this vine is really little known outside its area of choice - where it is disappearing - even if its use could prove fundamental for the enology of the Lombard territory: this has been understood by some enlightened wineries that have started to rediscover and enhance Erbamat.
Ampelographic features Leaf: medium-large, pentagonal, five-lobed. Bunch: cylindrical, conical, not winged. Grape: medium size, circular shape.
Characteristics of the wine obtained from this grape variety Straw yellow in colour, with marked acidity and delicate aromas, perfect to be vinified as a sparkling wine base or as still wine both in blends with other vines of similar characteristics and in purity.
Notes Resistance: good resistance to adverse weather conditions and parasitic agents, tolerant to powdery mildew, discretamentae resistant to grey mould due to the extreme compactness of the bunch; no sensitivity to grape split. Vegetative multiplication behaviour: good grafting affinity with the most common rootstocks.

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Bestsellers Erbamat wines

Buy Erbamat wines online

White classic method sparkling wine brut
12.00%, 0,75 l
CHF 15.24 inc VAT
Currently NOT available

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