Chateau Ducluzeau
chateau ducluzeau wines for sale

Chateau Ducluzeau

Chateau Ducluzeau has been in my mother family since 1740. I took over the estate from my mother in 2003. Prior to me, the estate was managed by women of the family for three generations. I call Chateau Ducluzeau a feminist’s wine: reliable, vigorous and welcoming.

Records show that Chateau Ducluzeau dates back to at least the 1700s when it was owned by a Monsieur du Cluzeau. He sold it to Mademoiselle Hugon, also a Listrac winegrower, who married Monsieur Astien, another winegrower, but this time from Moulis.

On her death, she left the property to their daughter, Marie Louise, who had married Andre Rochette. When Marie Louise died in 1976, she left it to her daughter, Monique Rochette, who was born and lived there until she married my father Jean-Eugène Borie. Chateau Ducluzeau has been in our family since 1740. (Bruno Borie)

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£ 20.64 inc VAT
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