Castello di Fosini
castello di fosini wines for sale

Castello di Fosini

Castello di Fosini is a reality that has for one of the members of the Compagnia del Vino, the Marquis Piero Antinori, a special value, an emotional force. The winery was created in an enchanted place, in the "Riserva Naturale delle Coronate e Fosini" not far from the Castle from which the winery takes its name. In these areas, in the mid-1950s, the young Marquis Piero often went to this area with his friend Saverio Bulgarini d'Elci whose family owned the farm in Montingegnoli, near Fosini: "At that time our passion was hunting, that's why we often went to this wonderful farm in Fosini because it was in an area particularly suited and rich in game, renowned over time. For me going there was always a dream for the beauty of the places, for the castle that had an extraordinary charm on these rocks, on these sheer ravines, you know... he always stopped there (...)".

The wines of the Castle of Fosini tells the story of a lush and "secret" area where both cultivated species and animals live and reproduce with extreme ease. It is a story made of memory, respect and appreciation for the celebration of a site, that of the hills metalliferous, where even the results obtained in the vineyard are extraordinary.

Information about Castello di Fosini

  • Name
    Castello di Fosini
  • Region:
  • Start year
  • Address
    Radicondoli (SI)

Images Castello di Fosini

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£ 15.00 inc VAT
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