Cantina Settecani
cantina settecani wines for sale

Cantina Settecani

Cantina Settecani was born in 1923, in the homonymous hamlet of Castelvetro di Modena. Here, a group of 48 winemakers joined forces to create what is today one of the most historic wine cooperatives in the Emilian territory. 100 years later, our winery brings together 150 members: a real family of families who work 400 hectares of vineyards and harvest around 50,000 quintals of grapes per year: a production that best represents the Emilian winemaking tradition, from the Lambruschi, first among all Grasparossa, Pignoletto and Trebbiano.

The name of our winery derives from the locality Settecani, a hamlet of Castelvetro di Modena, the heart of the Lambrusco Grasparossa production area.

The toponym dates back to the 12th century and a legend tells of its origins. It is said that one day seven men intent on work burst into blasphemous exclamations as a religious procession passed by. The divine punishment for this behavior was to be transformed into dogs. To remember this legend, the faces of seven little dogs are sculpted on the ancient façade of the cellar.

Cantina Settecani wines are distributed and increasingly appreciated and awarded throughout Italy and in several foreign countries such as Japan, USA, Norway, Czech Republic, Germany, France, China and Taiwan.

In facing the challenges of innovation and sustainability, we look to the future with the spirit of our origins: a large family that works together to grow and offer the markets accessible wines with high quality standards.

Information about Cantina Settecani

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