Gros Manseng

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Information about Gros Manseng

Grape variety Gros Manseng
Synonyms Ichiriota Zuria Handia.
Grape colour Red grape
Variety Autochthonous
Vigour Good
Areas of cultivation Gros Manseng is one of the key white grape varieties from the Jurançon region in southwest France.
Characteristics of the wine obtained from this grape variety The variety is reasonably attractive to winemakers as it performs well in the vineyard, producing thick-skinned berries with high levels of both sugar and acidity. These three factors make the grape very well suited to sweet wine production: grapes can remain on the vine for a long time, developing plenty of sweetness while still retaining acidity. The thick skins provide protection from rot. While late-harvest examples of Gros Manseng wines still exist, they are being replaced by dry versions, made from grapes picked before full ripeness has been achieved. These wines are characterized by their vibrant acidity, displaying floral aromas and sometimes a distinct note of spiced apricot. Some care must be taken in the winery as the grape's thick skins can lead to high alcohol levels and tannins.
Notes Traditionally associated with sweet wine production, the variety these days is used also to make dry wines, which tend to be highly aromatic with crisp, lemony flavors. Gros Manseng is produced as both a varietal wine and in blends with other local varieties like Petit Manseng and the now-ubiquitous Sauvignon Blanc.

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Bestsellers Gros Manseng wines

Buy Gros Manseng wines online

White classic method sparkling wine brut
11.00%, 0,75 l
£ 23.52 inc VAT
Lowest price £ 23.36
List price £ 28.33

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