gramenon 葡萄酒 for sale


The originality of the terroir in Gramenon comes from the limestone barrier (tidal system) formerly covered by the sea (86 million years ago). The pushing from the Alps mountains have made sandy layers left by tides arise, together with a significant presence of limestone, a 550 m wide plateau thus formed at a little altitude, whereas clays have been left by the river system.

Grenache is the most adapted grape variety to our latitudes and expresses here with elegance and freshness. This is demonstrated by the presence of many old vines parcels (aged from 50 to 120 years). The combined influence of the wines’ age (and deep rooting) together with the specific nature of soils confer our wines a special and unique profile. To maintain the outstanding quality of the vegetal heritage, each wine plant planted comes from the “massal” selection of the vineyard.


  • 名称
  • 地区:
  • 地址
    625 chemin de Gramenon - Montbrison-sur-Lez(France)
  • 网站

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