Chateau les Hauts de Caillevel
chateau les hauts de caillevel 葡萄酒 for sale

Chateau les Hauts de Caillevel

Château Les hauts de Caillevel is a 23-hectare vineyard located in Pomport, in the south of Bergerac, in the Dordogne.

Caillevel comes from the word pebble, and refers to the rock on which the estate is located. The property is all in one piece and offers visitors a magnificent view of the vineyard and the Sigoulès hills.

Perched at the end of the Pomport plateau, the estate slopes gently down before the cliff. This cliff is hidden in the forest that borders the Gardonette, such a precious watercourse that provides us with the essential mist to make the Monbazillac.


Images Chateau les Hauts de Caillevel

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