Chase Distillery
chase distillery spirits for sale

Chase Distillery

William Chase has created a successful business with the cultivation and trade of premium quality potatoes.

In 2004, after discovering the potato distillate Vodka, very different from that of cereals, William Chase's decision to found a distillery was almost instantaneous.

That is how Chase Distillery was born, housed in an old converted barn, located in the heart of Herefordshire countryside. The distillation process used by Chase is very crafty and rather laborious, but it allows total control of the quality of the products, all of which are bottled and labeled by hand.

The first Chase potato vodka bottle was launched in April 2008 after two years of work. It has been, and still remains, the first and only British potato vodka in the world. Cultivating, while distilling the potatoes, Chase Distillery creates high quality products with a true "pedigree".


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