Cave de Sérignan
cave de sérignan 葡萄酒 for sale

Cave de Sérignan

In order to face a difficult situation, a handful of winegrowers decided to build the cooperative wine cellar of Sérignan in 1935.

The success of winemaking and the correct commercial results dispel the reluctance and lead to an increase in the number of cooperators. From 1935 to 1937, the cellar will undergo successive enlargements.

The production of the vineyard of Sérignan grows with the contributions of the winemakers of Valras, Sauvian and later of Vendres.

The cooperative winery is a means for small producers and employees of large properties to emancipate and gain independence.

Given the success of its wines and the demand of its customers, the Vignerons de Sérignan are engaged in direct sales since 1975.


Images Cave de Sérignan

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