Finca Sophenia
finca sophenia wines for sale

Finca Sophenia

Finca Sophenia is a winery recognized as one of the highest quality wine producers in Argentina. To achieve this goal, Roberto Luka, its founder and conductor, chose Gualtallary, Tupungato, Mendoza, one of the most prestigious regions to produce high quality wines.

The result was absolutely gratifying and the wines have already been praised by critics from Europe, America and Asia. The wines started to sell worldwide in 2004 and succeeded to reach more than 25 countries.

Information about Finca Sophenia

  • Name
    Finca Sophenia
  • Region:
  • Address
    Gualtallary - Tupungato - Mendoza (Argentina)
  • Website
  • Oenologist
    Julia Halupczok, Matías Michelini

Images Finca Sophenia

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Buy Finca Sophenia wines online

CHF 31.78 inc VAT

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