arrighi wines for sale


"Our family and professional history is deeply intertwined with that of the Island of Elba. Today we are wine producers on the island of Elba and this defines us, first and foremost," says Antonio Arrighi.

"Although we have been producing wine for more than 100 years, the area under vines was limited. My father was an agricultural expert, he loved the countryside, but the main activity was hotel management. In the adjacent photo, my father Sergio is with some of his guests at the Hotel Belmare in Porto Azzurro.

"With me, the wine business became central, out of passion, out of love for the Island of Elba and its incredible biodiversity".

"Today I have my daughters with me, Giulia, who is about to graduate and become an oenologist, and Ilaria, who is in charge of communications and marketing.

"And then there's little Mattia. They are the future.

Information about Arrighi

  • Name
  • Region:
  • Start year
  • Address
    Viale Europa Località Pian del Monte Porto Azzurro – Isola d‘Elba (LI)
  • Website
  • Oenologist
    Laura Zuddai
  • Bottles produced
  • Hectares

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CHF 14.92 inc VAT
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