Armenia between 13.5-15.9% wines

Many of the reference wineries today are founded by Armenians emigrated abroad who have returned to invest their resources, economic and intellectual, so in the beloved homeland it is still very difficult to talk about a style and a unique face of Armenian wine. The role of European, French and Italian consultants, especially in large companies, is still incisive, not necessarily in the right direction. Excessive use is still being made of biotechnology, wood and filtration, referring to large companies. It is not always easy to recognize the terroir and the characteristics of the vines, although they are of undoubted greatness. There are obviously also small and medium-sized artisan companies that produce quality and character wines. Among those two names to mention: Zorah and Trinity Canyon Vineyards, both located in the area of ​​Vayotz Dzor, the most important for Armenian viticulture.
Total 3 products
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Red still
,  N/A , 100% Areni Noir
14.00%, 0,75 l
£ 38.09 inc VAT
Red green still
,  N/A , Arati, Sireni
13.50%, 0,75 l
£ 75.64 inc VAT
Last 4 bottles
White still
,  N/A , Garandmak, Voskeak
13.50%, 0,75 l
£ 40.36 inc VAT
Last 2 bottles