Chateau Labegorce
chateau labegorce 葡萄酒 for sale

Chateau Labegorce

Châteaux Labegorce is mentioned in the 1868 edition of Édouard Féret, which recounts the existence of the "lands of the house of the Noble de La Bégorce" since 1332. The castle is presented as "... one of the most beautiful and best located in the municipality of Margaux".

Since its purchase in 1989, the Perrodo family has been able to give back to this property all its architectural beauty and wine-making dynamism which gives life to Labégorce a fascinating wine, with great structure, brilliant fruit and great finesse.

In 2006 the Perrodo family also acquired Château Marquis d'Alesme, hoping, once again, to bring this growth to the level of the top wines of the denomination.


Bestsellers Chateau Labegorce 葡萄酒

Buy Chateau Labegorce 葡萄酒 online

HK$ 447.00
Last 6 bottles

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