Santa Teresa
santa teresa rum for sale

Santa Teresa

Founded in 1796 and located in the mountainous Aragua Valley, ours is more than a house. It has resisted wars, revolutions, invasions, and even dictators. There has always been sugar cane and since 1830 there has always been rum. Hacienda Santa Teresa is a clear example of the character that one must have to be successful, no matter what may happen.

Our story begins in 1796, with the construction of the Hacienda Santa Teresa. Coffee, cocoa and sugar cane, the main raw materials for rum, grew here. In 1830 a young German merchant called Gustav Julius Vollmer arrived in Venezuela and met a woman with revolutionary blood called Panchita Rivas. The two eventually married in 1830 and gave birth to the Vollmer family: their descendants still run the Hacienda Santa Teresa.


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