Bodega Noemia
bodega noemia 葡萄酒 for sale

Bodega Noemia

The italian Countess and wine producer Noemi Marone Cinzano, and the prestigious Danish winemaker Hans Vinding-Diers, teamed up as partners to produce some of the finest wines in Argentina. Upon the discovery of the old Malbec vineyard, countess Noemi Marone Cinzano and Hans Vinding-Diers proceeded to restore the old vineyard back to life. They purchased the small property and set to make a small vinification for fun. The wine was bottled, brought by chance to a famous winefair and gained immediate notoriety, so they then decided to settle there for a bit and pursue their dream of making the finest wine possible thanks to those beautiful old plants.They partnered for 18 years in the project until recently, where Hans Vinding-Diers, together with his wife and children, took over sole ownership of Bodega Noemía and the countess is now concentrating on other projects of hers in Europe.


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