jean michel 葡萄酒 for sale

Jean Michel

Established in 1847, and therefore with more than 160 years of viticultural tradition in Champagne, is this enough to produce a good champagne? Heritage only becomes valuable if it is maintained, enriched, and sublimated before being passed on. The heritage to which we refer is a skilful mix of passion, reason and love.

First there is the soil, this unique place where the vine blossoms, drawing its richness between the sky and the earth. We help the vine grow by using appropriate work methods. Rather shortly trimmed, a carpet of grass in its roots, approved organic farming treatments being used on one section of the vineyard, integrated farming in order to control productivity, encourage a good root system and draw heavily from healthy resources to feed our grapes.

Our vineyard is rich in biodiversity. From old vineyards almost 50 years old, to younger ones, with nine different vintages and the three traditional Champagne grape varieties, we have all of the ingredients to provide our wines with finesse, elegance and character.


  • 名称
    Jean Michel
  • 地区:
  • 开始年份
  • 地址
    15 rue Jean Jaurès - Moussy (France)
  • 网站

Images Jean Michel

Buy Jean Michel 葡萄酒 online

总数 2 products
白葡萄酒 有机 经典气酒 pas dosé
HK$ 380.00
白葡萄酒 green 经典气酒 extra brut
HK$ 493.00
Last 4 bottles

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