Jean-Marie Haag
jean-marie haag 葡萄酒 for sale

Jean-Marie Haag

A traditional wine grower, working a natural inheritance, devoted to my work. "Allow myself and my wife to share with you our passion for the terroir, the vine and wine."

The wine-growing village of Soultzmatt is 20 km to the south of Colmar. This flourishing community is at the heart of the vallé Noble.

From the 11th to the 16th century, various noble families built as many as seven chateaux in this area, from which it draws its name : "vallis praenobilis", eminently noble valley.
Traces of Soulzmatt wine-growing tradition have been found as far back as the 12th century, during which period carts ("Kara") loaded with wine were transported to the Bade region.


Buy Jean-Marie Haag 葡萄酒 online

总数 2 products
HK$ 523.00
Last 2 bottles
HK$ 322.00
Last 6 bottles

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