chiappini 葡萄酒 for sale


The story of our family is deeply connected to the story of Bolgheri, and it sinks its roots in the very first50s, when my parents got here from the Marche region, attracted by the possibility to buy and work the land of this part of Tuscany.

In the 50s, Bolgheri was very far from the combination of wine and quality which characterizes it today. Back then, vegetables gardens, fruit trees and olive trees shared the scenery with vineyards, united by a mainly domestic consumption. The Bolgheri area was a land of farmers, tourism was not to be witnessed yet, the work was tiring and yet the farmer culture was dominant, together with its natural principles and the sense of commonality which allowed the integration among the different communities which found themselves living here, attracted by the great availability of land to work.

Today the enterprise occupies 27 hectares of land, 15 of which are filled with vineyards which allow an average yearly production of approximately 80'000 bottles. The varieties which are currently grown are the ones that are typical of the area: cabernet sauvignon, cabernet franc, merlot, petit verdot, and a small amount of sangiovese and vermentino.

From the vintage of 2010 we have started the entirely organic production within the farm, the vineyards and the olive groves are therefore defended through copper and sulfur and the vineyards are worked by using green manure and organic fertilization, in the respect of the territory, of the environment and of the farmers. The desire to grow goes hand in hand with the quest for quality and for the respect of values, in the name of a unique terroir like the Bolgheri one.


  • 名称
  • 地区:
  • 开始年份
  • 地址
    Strada Provinciale Bolgheres, 189/C - Bolgheri (LI)
  • 网站
  • 酿酒师
    Emiliano Falsini
  • 生产数量
  • 公顷
  • 种植类型

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HK$ 209.00
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