Gambero rosso 3 glasses sardinia wines

Numerous Sardinian wines bear witness to the influence of the Phoenician, Carthaginian, Roman and Spanish cultures, also the result of the importation of vines from the most distant places. Over the centuries, some wines have taken special features, such as the Cannonau of Sardinia and Vernaccia di Oristano, the latter with a very long evolution that enriches it with fragrant nuances of dried fruit, honey, spices and enamel. In 2009, production was around 550,000 hl, with a recent turnaround, oriented not only towards red wines with a high alcohol content, but also towards finer and more elegant whites, of which the greatest witness is Vermentino di Gallura DOCG . In the viticulture of this region we can observe two precise addresses: the first is that many wines are processed from single-variety, the second is that some denominations are very extensive and come to occupy the entire vineyard. The red grape varieties, the most significant are the native cannonau and bovale, recently re-evaluated in addition to monica, pascale and carignano, while among those with white grapes, prevail Vermentino and Vernaccia di Oristano. Also in Sardinia, as in Sicily, it is interesting the production of dessert wines, present in almost all the numerous denominations among which we can remember those obtained from Muscat and Malvasia, such as Moscato di Sorso / Sennori and Malvasia di Bosa.
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