Pulltex Giro Sparkling Wine Stopper Bianco e Oro

Pulltex Giro Sparkling Wine Stopper Bianco e Oro


Stopper with silicone interior to ensure airtight closure. Suitable for Prosecco, Sparkling Wine, Champagne and Cava. The natural adhesion of the silicone creates an airtight seal on the neck of the bottle preventing carbon dioxide from escaping, keeping the wine sparkling for longer. Easy opening and closing system, just press and turn. This system of closing guarantees airtight closure and prevents the cap from popping. The bottle is totally sealed in any position.
CHF 6,81
Preis inkl. USt.
Sofort verfügbar
Bestellen Sie innerhalb 19 Stunden h 34 Minuten, um Ihr Paket bis Dienstag, 11. Juni 2024 in  Schweiz zu erhalten.


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