Cleto Chiarli
cleto chiarli wines for sale

Cleto Chiarli

Cleto Chiarli in 1850 from the countryside moved to Modena with his wife Lucy and their four children: Adalgisa, Orestes, and Aristide Anselm and there opens the "dell'Artigliere Tavern" in the historic city center. In 1860 Cleto Chiarli cease the activity of innkeeper to devote exclusively to the production of Lambrusco, which until then was been produced to meet the needs of the tavern.

A lready at that time Chiarli understood the importance of producing Lambrusco in the bottle and put in place the basic techniques of winemaking of this particular wine, that only in the bottle becomes sparkling by natural fermentation. The company thrives until reaching a production of over 1 million bottles a year and expanding its borders. For its characteristics Chiarli 's Lambrusco achieved successes not only on the Italian market but also in America, Argentina, France, England and Germany. In 2000 the ancient and historical company with over 20 million bottles produced of Lambrusco and other wines, of which 50% sold abroad, in market of increasingly competitive and aggressive.

In the wake of the important confirmations coming from the markets, in 2002 the owners Mauro and Anselmo decide to give birth to a new and ambitious project: building a new winery with the most modern and innovative technologies to transform the grapes produced from their farms in high quality wines, and create a place where you can discuss and at the same time promote the culture of Lambrusco wine, a generous family of vines that have always been part of the Modena area, the farm chosen was the Castelvetro's one.

The time for constructing the new winery was long, complex and delicate to preserve the architectural style of existing buildings and at the same time respecting a project involving the installation of machinery of high technology and in the protection of the territory, where the ancient and the modern combine perfectly. In 2003, the new winery, dedicated to Cleto Chiarli founder of the Historical Modena Wine Company, began producing.

Information about Cleto Chiarli

  • Name
    Cleto Chiarli
  • Region:
  • Start year
  • Address
    Via Belvedere, 8 - Castelvetro (MO)
  • Website
  • Oenologist
    Michele Faccin
  • Bottles produced
  • Hectares
  • Percentage of grapes purchased
    Only proprietary grapes.

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