The story of Villa Matilde Avallone began in the 1960s with Francesco Paolo Avallone, a lawyer and passionate connoisseur of ancient wines, who, intrigued by Pliny's stories and the verses of Virgil, Martial and Horace on Vinum Falernum, decided to bring the legendary wine that had disappeared at the beginning of the last century back to life. Assisted by a group of friends, including some professors from the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Naples, he identified, after years of study, the vines that had given life to Falernum wine in Roman times. A few vines that had miraculously survived the devastation of phylloxera at the end of the 19th century were replanted, with the help of a few local farmers, in the Massico area where they had once thrived, and he founded Villa Matilde Avallone.
Today, the company is run by Francesco Paolo's children, Maria Ida and Salvatore Avallone, with exclusive dedication to continuing their father's dream and project, taking up the important inheritance and looking even further. From the Ager Falernus, they have gone as far as the province of Avellino with new vineyards, new projects and wines that tell of the strong identity of Campania Felix. In 2004, Villa Matilde opened the Pietrafusa Estates in the Irpinia DOCG region, in the province of Avellino, starting the production of new wines.
Villa Matilde
SS Domitiana, 18 - Cellole (CE)
Fabio Gennarelli, Riccardo Cotarella