Every year we find ourselves on these pages to taste Barbera always very convincing, charming and sensual soul sometimes more sumptuous and rich and sometimes more direct and immediate but always happy and full of beauty. The company Pico Maccario is located in Mombaruzzo in the province of Asti, an elite area for the Barbera vine.
Since 1997 it has been run by the two brothers Pico and Vitaliano Maccario who have been able to combine the main native vine also with international vines. Thus, most of the 85 hectares of vineyards are dedicated to Barbera, then subdivided into Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Freisa and Favorita.
The company is in contemporary style both in the management of the vineyards and in the technological innovations in the cellar. Even the logo is very innovative with a stylized rose that wants to indicate its position instead of traditional and important next to each row.