caravaglio 葡萄酒 for sale


Once back in Salina, Nino Caravaglio's thought was to work on improving quality, a result that over the years led him to various experiments, technological refinements (without ever exaggerating because the winery is not a workshop) and to take all the necessary steps to seriously produce and market the historical products of the island of Salina: wine and capers. He found a different island from the one of his childhood. "In the 1980s, within a few years, everything in Salina had changed.

Tourism had converted the island's economy, which had gradually almost lost its predominant agricultural identity. Everything happened very quickly and this sudden change also changed the anthropological footprint and relations changed accordingly. But Caravaglio was convinced: he wanted to develop his agricultural project and he wanted to do so by aiming for maximum qualitative development. He was thinking of the two traditional crops: wine and capers. The company was founded in 1989.

Aiming for quality immediately meant making an important choice: to produce according to the dictates of organic farming. At the beginning it was two hectares, his father's land. Gradually, other plots of land were added, either rented or purchased in instalments, until the current size of around 20 hectares was reached, divided into around 30 different plots. In 1994 he met Elisa Giuffrè, a teacher, also from Salina, and they fell in love.

They married in 1998, the year before founding the company. It goes without saying that husband and wife have always followed the project together. In 2002 Alda was born. Children are also projects for life.

Today the directly managed vineyards are spread over an area of about 20 hectares. Nino Caravaglio is the creator and manager of the company. Thanks to his studies, he closely and rigorously follows the field, but it is he himself who also takes care of the oenological aspects, with the necessary analytical support he assesses from time to time. The commercial side is also followed to a great extent on his own. The company therefore manages the entire chain from production to sales. Today, Nino Caravaglio's outlook is optimistic:

"We are slowly recovering the reality of the land, of wine, of capers, of crops. This recovery is not an operation aimed at the past, but looks ahead to give uniformity to the island, an identity that fits in perfectly with the prospect of tourism, and with that of a reality that grows and compares with an open mind".

This is the spirit in which the family business, which Nino Caravaglio runs with total dedication and conviction, operates and plans today. He has achieved many results and made many intuitions that have opened up innovative paths, without ever betraying history and tradition. The decision to vinify Malvasia grapes as a dry white wine, a wine to drink throughout a meal, but with high quality characteristics, was very important.

This is how the first dry Malvasia of the Aeolian Islands was born, that of Nino Caravaglio, in 2010. The road was open. Caravaglio continued his research and, next to that Malvasia, a second one was born in 2013.

Climbing the ladder of excellence, this new Malvasia was a cru. He called it Infatata: it was and is produced exclusively with grapes from the Tricoli vineyard. Since 2015 again a new wine, made with maceration, partly in amphora and partly in steel, which I chose to make this year.

It is a convinced experimentation for me, which allows me to put dry Malvasia to the test in terms of longevity. We have called it Occhio di terra. That is precise and precious, an ancient expression used by my grandmother and which I remember with affection.

Territorial wines, for Nino Caravaglio, means wines that express the extraordinary specificity of the territories of the archipelago. This is why he has chosen and worked hard to produce wines on the other islands as well. Nero du Munti (black Corinth) is produced on Lipari. In Stromboli we have plans for the future.


  • 名称
  • 地区:
  • 开始年份
  • 地址
    Via Provinciale, 33 - Malfa Isola di Salina (ME)
  • 网站
  • 酿酒师
    Antonino Caravaglio
  • 生产数量
  • 公顷
  • 种植类型

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HK$ 255.00
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HK$ 209.00
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