
Buy Autochthonous - (Local) wines

Information about Tibouren

Grape variety Tibouren
Synonyms Antibois, Antiboul, Geysserin, Bianco di Nizza, Rossese, Tiboulin
Grape colour Red grape
Variety Autochthonous
Vigour Good
Areas of cultivation Tibouren is a black-skinned grape variety grown in Provence, southern France.
History It is also known as Antibois, and in Germany it is known as Geysserin. The grape has a long history in the region, stretching back as far as 500 BC. It was apparently brought to France from the Middle East, possibly by the Greeks.
Characteristics of the wine obtained from this grape variety It is mainly used for producing full-bodied rosé wines with an earthy bouquet.

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HK$ 246.00
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