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Information about Rossignola

Grape variety Rossignola
Synonyms rossetta, groppello, pulicella, rossiola.
Grape colour Red grape
Variety Autochthonous
Vigour Good
Ripening Earliest of october.
Productivity Constant
Areas of cultivation It is particularly widespread in the province of Verona.
History The Rossignola vine is native to the province of Verona. It is present especially in the areas of Bardolino and Valpolicella, and it is part of the main names in this area. Although its presence is reported exclusively in this area, its presence has only been reported recently, at the beginning of 800.
Ampelographic features Leaf: medium size, often a bit wider than long, pentagonal, five-lobed with wide open U-shaped breast; Deep upper side and V-U, usually with superimposed edges; Lateral lateral lower V-U open and inferior sides of the upper; Upper page glabra, dark green with lighter ribs; Lower pubescent side for light velvet along all ribs, and almost glaucous greenish color with slightly yellowish ribs in bronze to the base; Flap almost flat, slightly wrinkled; Lobes marked, slightly bent; Corner at the top of the almost straight terminal lobe; Teeth fairly pronounced and irregular, slightly acute and with margins slightly concave or concave on one side and convex on the other; Order ribs 1 ° -2 ° -3 ° protruding. Bunch: medium (19 cm), slightly compact, squat, pyramidal, winged (with 1 wing); Peduncle rather long, big, half-legged (woody towards the attack on the trellis), green; Pedicels a little short, thin, green; Average, evident, smooth looking, slightly vinous color; Medium brush, rosé. Acino: medium (mm 17), obovoid (almost elliptical), regular; With persistent navel; Regular, circular cross section; Very thin, thin, medium texture and red-purple, lighter to the pedicel; Melted pulp, simple flavor, colorless juice; Separation of the pedicle from the hook quite difficult.
Characteristics of the wine obtained from this grape variety The wine obtained from the rossignola grape is ruby ​​red, transparent. On the palate it is fresh, salty, with body.
Notes Resistance to diseases: it has a decent resistance to cryptogamy (it is a bit sensitive to the ojio); It is subject to rotting in the fallen autumn vintages. On the plant the grapes are not preserved for long.

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HK$ 404.00
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