Chateau Lange-Réglat
chateau lange-réglat wines for sale

Chateau Lange-Réglat

Detected in 1988 by Bernard Reglat, investments were permanent, both in the vineyard and in the cellar with one goal: to develop a great wine.
Bernard Reglat allowed to expand the vineyards in the lands located between the mountain areas classified as the White Tower and the Castle of Malle.

Information about Chateau Lange-Réglat

  • Name
    Chateau Lange-Réglat
  • Region:
  • Address
    Monprimblanc (France)

Images Chateau Lange-Réglat

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Buy Chateau Lange-Réglat wines online

White green dessert wine dessert wine
CHF 25.19 inc VAT

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