Although vineyards had belonged to the Weis family for centuries, Nicolaus Weis (vintage 1905, Nik Weis' grandfather) founded the winery in 1947. In the early years he built cellars and winery buildings on a hill on Leiwen's periphery. He named his estate for the patron saint of German winemakers, St. Urban, and 'hof' (the German word for 'estate'), St. Urban's Estate. Nik Weis took over the winery in 1997. In 2002 Nik married Daniela, a winemaker's daughter from the neighboring village of Mehring who holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration. Nik and Daniela have two children, a son, Nic, and a daughter named Clara. Since the year 2000 the winery is a member of the prestigious VDP (Association of German Praedikcat Estates).
Nik and his staff grow 33 hectares (82 acres) of Riesling in some of the finest sites of the Middle-Mosel and Saar. These vineyards demonstrate what has fascinated wine lovers for centuries.
There are three vineyards in each of the Middle-Mosel and Saar, the foundation for a wide spectrum of unique and characteristic single-vineyard wines.
Today the winery exports to international markets and enjoys worldwide a great reputation for exceptional Riesling wines
Information about Nik Weis St. Urbans-Hof